What is coaching?
Coaching is about attaining a higher level of achievement and happiness in your future rather than resolving issues that have happened in your past. They both have unique angles of human support.
What is an Energy Coach?
An Energy Coach helps individuals and groups successfully in professional and personal growth through learning, accountability, resources, etc.
What is my style of coaching?
I am an active listener who works to understand your growth goals. Then, I use my energy, optimism, and support to help you achieve them.
What is a “Foundation Building call”?
This is a free, no-commitment 15-minute session to meet one another. During this session, I’ll understand what you are looking for in a coach and give you an idea of how I work.
Why do I offer packages (rather than individual sessions)?
Growth is a journey; staying connected for the long term will help you achieve your growth goals more fully and allow me to support them as they change form over time.
How does coaching complement mentors or therapists?
Together, which is rarely achievable, you enable what I call the supercharged human. See more about my thoughts on this in my LinkedIn post here.